Saturday, January 29, 2011

A day in Bath

Me in front of the Bath Abbey
Caroline, Jessica, me, Stephanie, Nicole, and Rachael at the Roman Baths
I have been so antsy to travel and blog, so the trip to Bath today gave me the perfect opportunity to do both!  We boarded the buses at nine for a two-hour drive.  First stop--the Roman Baths.  The Baths are located right next to the Bath Abbey, so we admired that while waiting in line.  I loved getting to tour the Baths, and the history behind them was fascinating!  The earliest inscription from the Baths dates back to 76 AD.  I found it interesting that people used to send messages (written on thin pieces of pewter) to Minerva, the goddess worshiped at the Baths, by dropping them into the water. Often these messages were curses on people who had stolen items from them.  After leaving the Baths, Jessica, Stephanie, and I headed to find Sally Lunn's House, a tea shop located in the oldest house in Bath.  We decided to try the famous Sally Lunn Bath Bun, shown below with chocolate butter.  It was so delicious! After enjoying our lunch there, we walked around Bath, exploring the Abbey and walking to the Circus and Royal Crescent.  These were streets with houses built in arcs around them; they were very picturesque.  We enjoyed browsing through some unique shops, including the Fudge Factory, where we saw the adorable chocolate sheep and hedgehogs!  I bought a caramel apple there--my splurge of the day!
Outside of Sally Lunn's
Sally Lunn Bath Bun with chocolate butter... Mmmmmm :)
Cute little garden I saw while just strolling around- a hidden treasure of the City of Bath!

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